Site Overlay

Site refresh!

Proud to say that, after several years with the old layout, I am now (mostly) finished with refreshing this website. Not only is there a new theme and page organization, but I’ve also added my logo (Detta’s Designs), created a page for one of my latest projects (Bel), and expanded the SELUNA character page with new art, a redesign of Clementine, and more information for each character. Still on my to do list are retroactively adding some Bel posts that I originally made on Twitter/Tumblr, adding a page in Other Projects for Cleaning Chaos, as well as eventually making the site background image into a gameplay montage (when I have some substantial gameplay). Maybe one day I’ll actually use the ask blog I set up too.

I created Clementine’s original design probably two and a half years ago, and did literally nothing with it after my initial sketch and sprites, while practicing expressions and making a wide variety of sprites for both Luna, Aster, and even Selena. Today I finally realized it was because I wasn’t really attached to Clementine’s design at all, so I decided it was time for a makeover. Most of the core aspects are intact (black hair, glasses, slightly dressier clothes) but with a fresh coat of paint, so to speak. I started with a sketch, adjusted the small sprite, and then made a dialogue sprite to match the other characters (and finally redid Shadow’s, while I was at it). Hopefully this will motivate me to flesh out her character a bit more and include her in my expression practice.

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