Category: SELUNA
All posts related to SELUNA
Interaction Textboxes
Added little floating textboxes above objects you can interact with, some will have menus (like the lamp will have options to pick up or turn on, rather than being separate buttons).
Most rooms will not have so many objects to interact with in such a cluttered space, so the textboxes won’t seem so intrusive.
Pause Menu, Game Resolution
Ported pause menu over from a side project, will probably start messing with textboxes around objects in other rooms as well.
Shadow also gets more transparent the further he is from the light source. It’ll also eventually be linked to the strength of the light once I’ve actually added some variables for that.
Input Display
Added an input display to help with debugging and make the actions more clear for preview videos.
I intend to keep it as a toggle even on release, though the placement will likely change.
Shadow kicking, smoother movements
Added Shadow’s kick animation and smoothed out some other Shadow movements, like his punches and despawns, as well as when he spawns or despawns in the middle of Luna’s actions.
Kicking and Air Physics Update
You can now kick to attack while in the air. For now, Shadow will just punch but he may attempt to kick in the future.
Also updated air physics so you don’t just zigzag however you want in the air, and you can no longer turn around to face the opposite direction while in the air.